澳洲社会学作业代写 高中学生

与之前的发现一致的是,本研究发现高中学生通常与他们的至少一位老师形成联系.然而,之前的研究表明,高中的学业成绩取决于学校的规模,因为老师在每个学生身上的时间更少。为了这个研究,我们选择了两个相对较小的学校,总共有340名学生,以限制大班级规模的影响。这项研究发现,大多数学生感觉与老师有联系,并指出与老师的联系对于学生感觉与学校有联系很重要。然而,我们没有预料到的是,许多学生,无论是美国本土学生还是非美国本土学生,都感觉与老师没有联系。造成这种脱节的一个原因可能是老师的文化视角不同。也许,如果教师对文化差异的认知能在他们和学生之间造成隔阂的话。未来的研究应该进一步检查这个变量,以测试学生是否更有可能与老师建立联系,如果他们有相似的文化认知。由于这项研究是在一个印第安人保留地进行的,印第安人的学生往往感到与他们的社区有联系,即使不是与老师。这些发现突出了联系对于美国本土学生和非美国本土学生的重要性。本研究的重点是高中生,因此强调了学生与教师之间的联系对于美国本土学生的教育成功的重要性。与之前的发现相一致的是,学生普遍感觉与他们的至少一个老师有联系,与更多的美国本土学生比非美国本土学生表明他们感觉与老师有联系。此外,研究发现,那些表达出与至少一位老师亲密感的学生,退学的可能性更小。正如该假说所预测的那样,这些发现表明,美国土著学生需要与他们信任的人建立联系,以引导他们完成学业。然而,与预期相反,这项研究发现,那些表示自己感觉与至少一位老师没有联系的人,与那些表示自己感觉与老师有联系的人一样,继续上学的比率很高。这表明在这项研究中有一些影响美国本土高中生退学可能性的未被检验的可减轻的变量。可能包括:同伴关系,家庭关系,或与社区内其他人的联系,可能有助于解释研究中的这种差距。Urie Bronfrenbrenner的生态模型可以用来说明研究中的这一差距。因为一个人在许多系统中长大,所以这些不同系统的影响可以帮助预测高中生的退学状态是很自然的(Bronfrenbrenner, 1992)。总之,这些发现突出了教师沟通能力对美国土著学生的重要性。它表明,教师的联系并不是唯一的变量,但学校系统应该继续强调,以提高毕业率。

澳洲社会学作业代写 高中学生

Consistent with previous findings, this study finds that high school students generally form a connection with a least one of their teachers (Lee & Burkam, 2003; Wilcox, 2015). However, previous research suggests that academic achievement in high school can depend on school size, as teachers have less time per student (Egalite & Kisida, 2016). For the sake of this study, two relatively small schools with a total of 340 students were chosen to limit the effects of large class sizes. This study found that most students felt connected to a teacher and indicated that connectedness to their teacher was important for a student to feel connected to the school. However, we had not predicted to find that a number of students, both Native American and non-Native American, did not feel connected to a teacher. One reason for this disconnect may be the difference in cultural perspectives from the teacher (Ware, 2018). Perhaps, if the teachers’ perception of cultural differences can create a disconnect between them and their students. Future research should further examine this variable to test whether students are more likely to connect to a teacher if they share similar cultural perceptions. Being that this study is conducted within a Native American reservation, Native American students tend to feel connected to their community, even if not to a teacher. Together these finding highlight the importance of connections for both Native American and non-Native American students. This study focuses on high school students and therefore emphasizes the importance of student-teacher connections in relation to educational success among Native American students. Consistent with previous findings, students generally feel connected to at least one of their teachers with more Native American students than non-Native American students indicating that they feel connected to a teacher (Lee & Burkam, 2003; Wilcox, 2015). Additionally, the study finds that the students who expressed they felt close to at least one teacher were less likely to drop-out. As predicted by the hypothesis, these findings suggest that Native American students have a need to connect to those in which they trust to guide them through their education. However, contrary to expectations, this study found that those who expressed that they did not feel connected to at least one teacher had a significant rate of continuing school as well as those who said they felt connected to a teacher. This suggests that there are extenuating variables that were not examined in this study that effect the likelihood of Native American high school students dropping out. Perhaps including: peer connectedness, family relationships, or connectedness to others within the community may help to explain this gap in the research. Urie Bronfrenbrenner’s Ecological Model can be used to suggest this gap within the research. Because a person grows up within many systems it is only natural that the effects of these differing systems could help to predict the drop-out status of a high school student (Bronfrenbrenner, 1992). Together these findings highlight the importance of teacher connectedness for Native American students. It suggests that teacher connectedness is not the only variable yet should continue to be emphasized within the school systems to increase graduation rates.

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