
” A good beginning makes a goodending”——你听过这句话吗?意思是说:结果想要好,首先要开头好。这合理吗?这就是英文论文写作中的情况!整个 Essay的内容,包括主体和结尾,读者对整个文章的印象就取决于 essay的开头。但那可不是什么容易的事啊!你们并不总是坐着写论文,不知道如何下笔,如何写出文章的开头?今日,专业英文 essay代写机构将与您分享一些 essay开头写作技巧。

开始的一段 Essay的作用是让读者了解一个主题,指出这个主题的重点,并将其作为论文的指南。Essay开始时,向读者介绍了你论文的主要内容,即它的主题,并建立了一个语境,也就是你为论文建立的框架。比如,同学们需要写一篇关于 First Amendment guarantees a freedom of speech的论文,其框架可能是关于 First Amendment如何创造一个历史故事,以及为什么有人烧毁了国旗的讨论。
注意 essay开头的部分必须使读者能够理解这个主题的核心内容。不管学生选择哪种开卷方式,第一段应该清楚地说明文章的思路,读完这一段后读者应该已经知道文章的“什么”和“为什么”,也就是你的题目和写作目的。


首先,在回答的过程中提出几种解决方案,然后进行多层面分析,以达到你所希望的结果;其次,提出问题后立即确定答案,然后列出论点,支持这个答案。以下是哈瓦德· Writing中心的一些例子:
What message, does the building of Memorial Hall convey, and why are the fallen soldiers of such importance to the alumni who built it? Part of the answer, it seems, is that Memorial Hall is an educational tool, an attempt by the Harvard community of the 1870s to influence the future by shaping our memory of their times.


Some people claim that not enough waste from homes gets recycled. There is a popular opinion that the only way to enforce recycling practice is to introduce a mandatory recycling law in the country. Do you think that law enforcement is an effective way to increase recycling? To what extent?
1)- not enough waste gets recycled (垃圾回收数量很少);
– the only way is to introduce a mandatory recycling law (政府需要颁布法律来强制垃圾回收行为);
– law enforcement is an effective way?(法律是否能够带来效果?)。
2)- people are not willing to recycle;
– the government should start to require recycling by law.
3)People are not willing to recycle their waste at home unless the government starts to require recycling by law.



Some people say that an admissions essay is the only way for colleges to learn about candidate’s personality. Other people would argue that admissions essays are cliché and have an absolute lack of personality. Discuss both views and give your opinions.
主题:admission essays;
观点一:admission essay is enough to learn everything about a candidate;
观点二:admission essay can’t tell anything about a candidate because it lacks personality;
干什么:discuss both views;
怎么干:give your opinions.
Admissions essay is the only way for the colleges to learn what kind of individual the candidate is, as it has to demonstrate his or her personal qualities, career aspirations, and life goals.
目的——to learn about candidate’s personality;
方法——admissions essay(即绝对依赖于admissions essay).
To learn about candidate’s personality, career aspirations and life goals, colleges usually rely on admissions essays they receive. It is also an opportunity for college board to hear the candidate’s personal voice.

一些小伙伴会问: essay的开头应该有多长? Well,它的长度与整个文本长度相关。若文章长度为五页,则开头最多不得超过二至三段落下;若写了十页文章,则开头最多不得超过两页。
如果小伙伴还有涉及于essay开头有其他问题,请敲专业assignment代写机构的门,咨询一下我们的24/7线上的客服。我们提供优质的英文论文和paper代写服务,不仅知道论文开头怎么写,还专业地撰写各种学术文本。不用犹豫,来加我们的QQ: 7878393 !

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