澳洲项目管理作业代写 绿色设计

Via Verde项目体现了绿色设计和健康生活的进步和创新。Verde项目对地球和人类产生了积极的影响,其根源在于可持续的设计和实践。绿色的屋顶、雨幕和建筑的朝向是许多创新的一部分,这些创新改善了环境和居民的条件,同时将自然和人结合在一起。Via Verde采用了混合的可持续设计方法和实践来促进其健康生活的使命。被动式设计是采用的主要策略,它关注建筑的朝向,包括遮阳,以帮助提高能源效率。在一个典型的住宅建筑中,由于它们的位置,角落单元受益于自然光和微风条件在单元的两侧。然而,在建筑中间发现的单元受到严重的损害,几乎没有阳光或风。利用被动式设计策略,通过佛开发团队选择位置中心单位几英尺提供更多的自然光线,自然通风,甚至更好的街道或花园。这立管效应还允许创建屋顶凉台的设计团队在财产的中心。绿色屋顶在每一层都可以找到,包括建筑较低区域的果树。该团队还使用了由铝复合材料(ACM)制成的雨幕,并将其放置在钢框架系统之间,以促进更好的循环,并使水分更容易排出,从而提高了能源效率。此外,简单的设计方法促进了身体活动。努力加强建筑的每一个部分,简单的楼梯,以支持Via Verde的任务。他们不仅普通楼梯转换成一个中等旅行从一个水平到另一个,但随着地区接受自然光鼓励居民楼梯而不是电梯在可持续设计从项目的开始作为一个授权确保高水平的绿色策略的实现,因此,团队执行集成设计过程。出资人、开发商和团队的其他成员从一开始就有明确的目标,要创建一个可持续的、经济适用房的社区,并一直坚持到最后。

澳洲项目管理作业代写 绿色设计

Via Verde is a project that has embodied the progress and innovation of green design and healthy living. The positive impact Via Verde has had on the planet and people roots from the sustainable design and practices that were implemented. Green roofs, rainscreens, and the orientation of the building are some of the many innovations that have led to improving the condition of the environment and its residents – simultaneously bringing both nature and people together.Via Verde used a mix of sustainable design approaches and practices to promote its healthy living mission. The Passive Design was the main strategy used which focuses on the orientation of a building that include solar shading to help with energy efficiency. In a typical residential building, the corner units, as a result of their position, benefit from natural light and breezy conditions on both sides of the unit. However, units found in the middle of building suffer heavily from little to no sunlight or wind. Leveraging the Passive Design strategy, the Via Verde development team chose to position the center units out a few feet to provide more natural light, natural ventilation, and even a better view of the street or gardens 。 This riser effect also allowed the design team to create terraced roofs in the center of property. Green roofs can be found on every level including fruit trees on the lower areas of the building. The team also used rainscreens which are made of aluminum composite material (ACM) and positioned them in between the steel framing system to promote better circulation and allow moisture to exit easier increasing energy efficiency In addition, simple design approaches that boosted physical activity. Efforts were made to enhance every part of the building, as simple as staircases, to support the Via Verde mission. They converted regular staircases into not only a medium to travel from one level to the next, but as areas to receive natural light encouraging residents to take stairs instead of elevators Having sustainable design as a mandate from the project’s start ensured high level of green strategies would be implemented and therefore, the team exercised the Integrated Design Process. The funders, developers, and the rest of the team had clear goals of creating a sustainable, affordable-housing community from the start and carried it until the end。

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