澳洲护理学代写 物理疗法


澳洲护理学代写 物理疗法

That main areas that physiotherapy is used for is to treat problems for muscles, joints, heart and lungs and blood circulation. It can also help with chronic long term illnesses. Physiotherapy uses a wide range of techniques such as massage, heat, cold, light, water and exercise. It can help improve a person’s ability to use parts of the body that are affected by injury or a health condition. It is a common practice used to treat arthritis a common condition that is associated with the older person. It can help the joints mobility and help strengthen the other muscles. This process can be carried out through massage and sometimes exercise depending on the person’s health condition and mobility. Recent studies have shown that in dementia patients the key brain areas linked to musical memory are often not damaged or are the last affected by some forms of dementia. Music therapy is been promoted to help with anxiety, dementia and mental illness. In the older person music can be used to increase social interaction and bonding with others which can help reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation. In dementia patients, music therapy can provide a way of communication to those who find it difficult to express themselves. Music therapy is only beneficial to clients if it has meaning to the person. It has to be relevant to the client. Studies have found that listening or singing songs can have emotional and behavioural benefits for people with dementia.

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