澳洲悉尼护理学代写 CBT使用

为了用证据支持CBT的使用,本节将再次关注焦虑症与以人为中心的治疗案例的相似性。焦虑症在青少年中是很常见的精神健康障碍通常出现在儿童或青少年时期初(Kessler et al ., 2005),如果未经处理会导致一系列的问题,如低水平的功能区域的生活和增加发展中精神病的重大风险(Angold科普兰,沙纳罕,& Costello, 2014;Swan & Kendall, 2016)。一项针对青少年焦虑症的研究进行了15个以上的随机试验,在不同文化背景和不同年龄范围的青少年中进行——结果是成功的,65%不再符合该障碍的诊断标准(Barrett, dadd, and Rapee, 1996;金斯伯格和德雷克,2002年;海沃德等,2000;肯德尔,1994;Kendall等,1997;Masia, Klein, Storch和Corda, 2001)。一些使用的方法是积极的强化——治疗师赞扬了孩子在沟通上的努力和对问题的回应。正是这种强化让孩子们在进行下一项任务时不那么焦虑,因为他们通过赞美自己的成就和奖励(比如玩具、糖果、游戏,以及孩子喜欢的东西的清单)感到更自信。
澳洲悉尼护理学代写 CBT使用
To support the use of CBT with evidence, this section will look at anxiety disorders, again, similarities to the cases in Person-Centred Therapy. Anxiety disorder in youths are a very common mental health disorder which usually arises in childhood or early adolescences (Kessler et al., 2005), and if untreated can lead to an array of problems, such as poor levels of functioning in areas of life and increases the significant risk of developing psychopathy (Copeland, Angold, Shanahan, & Costello, 2014; Swan & Kendall, 2016). A study over fifteen randomised trials were conducted for youth anxiety with a variety of settings cultures and ages ranges between the youths – results were successful with 65% no longer meeting the diagnostic criteria for this disorder (Barrett, Dadds, and Rapee, 1996; Ginsburg and Drake, 2002; Hayward et al., 2000; Kendall, 1994; Kendall et al., 1997; Masia, Klein, Storch, and Corda, 2001). Some of the methods used were positive reinforcement – the therapist had praised the child for effort in communicating for responding back to questions being asked. It is this reinforcement that allows children to engage in next tasks with less anxiousness, as they feel more confident through complimentary self-achievements and rewards such as toys, sweets, games, with a list of things the child likes .

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